Set up Smooth VIP Days with 2 Must-Have Contract Terms

If you've ever thought about offering VIP days as part of your service, or if you're offering them in your business right now, it goes without saying that you want to do everything that you can possibly do in order for them to be profitable, right?

Time is tight on VIP days, and the financial stakes are high. So what can you do to make sure they're as profitable as possible?

Scroll down to watch (or read) as I break down two must-have contract terms for VIP day success.

I'm your lawyer, friend, Maria (aka the lunar lawyer) who just happens to serve soul-led coaches, healers, and soulful business owners. Let's take a look at VIP Days.

The two contract terms I like to see in VIP Day Contracts

There are two contracts terms that I absolutely love to see inside a VIP day contract. And the first is a client communication clause.

Client Communication Clause

A good “client communication clause” in a VIP Day contract makes a few things clear.

Number one, it makes clear that they have to be there to communicate with you, in order for you to be successful with a VIP day, that might not mean that they have to sit at their computer and wait, but it means that they have to know that you're going to be contacting them, so that you can work on whatever you're working on and get the feedback necessary for you to do what you do.

That also means that you might add a term in that client communication clause about delays. Because if there's a delay in your services, because the client is not responding, and I you can’t proceed, that's going to affect the VIP day. You don’t want to be on the hook for the client’s failure to communicate with you.

Okay, we talked about a client communication class and how that will impact the profitability of your VIP day: making that clear that client communication piece.

The next clause that I have to see in a VIP day contract is a cancellation policy.

Cancellation Policies for VIP Days

Making your cancellation policy super clear is essential in a tight window that a VIP day demands.

What happens if you have an emergency and you've got to go?

How do the finances shake out?

What about the client? What if the client wants to cancel halfway through the VIP day for any reason? Or if they want to cancel “for cause,” which might be they don't like the work that they're seeing so far and they don't want to go any further.

What happens if the client wants to terminate without cause — aka just because they feel like they don't want to continue with you any further.

Or maybe they cancel the VIP day a week before!

Your policies for each one of those cancellations might be a little bit different depending on the circumstances. Think through those scenarios, and then add a cancellation policy clause to your VIP day contract that reflects your policies on those scenarios.


There's a lot more that goes into VIP days than just those things. But those are two areas where I must see some kind of VIP day policies in order for your VIP day to be profitable. Bottom line, it comes down to setting expectations between you and your client on how these things will shake out.


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