How To Write A Good Blog Disclaimer

If your blog post uses affiliate links or is sponsored somehow, then you need to know the anatomy of a sponsored post disclaimer. In this post, I'll break down some elements of that disclaimer so you'll have a good handle on what you should be including!

Blog Disclaimer Tip #1 - Don't Be Vague

This one is pretty straightforward. Clear disclaimers are not ambiguous. They shouldn't make your reader question whether or not the post is sponsored in some way. The FTC says so.

Blog Disclaimer Tip #2 - Don't Make Your Readers Hunt for It

If you're writing a long blog and post your disclosure is at the very bottom, that might not be enough. Your reader's attention spans are getting shorter and shorter, and they may not make it to the bottom of the post. So, you've included affiliate links, or you've mentioned a brand several times and you're getting paid or receiving some benefit for doing so...and your reader didn't know that the post was sponsored in some way. To sum up, bump that disclaimer up to the top!

Blog Disclaimer Tip #3 - Use Your Voice and be Honest

A disclaimer doesn't have to be super technical and legal-sounding. If you are super selective about the sponsors that you work with and put a lot of time and thought into considering any type of sponsorship arrangement, let them know. Your readers will appreciate your diligence! Plus, you can say it in your own voice. That voice is what drew those readers to you, anyway.


To sum up, don't be ambiguous with your disclaimer, don't hide it, and use your own voice. Pretty simple, right?

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Looking for more legal help? Head to to find out what legal blindspot is secretly killing your business.This quiz will help you to identify that legal blind spot and then once it's identified help you figure out how to fix it.


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