How to Use the TM Symbol

When can you use the TM symbol?

It's actually pretty simple! The answer is whenever you're using your trademark as a trademark.

What the heck does that mean?

Remember that a trademark is anything connected to your brand. Things such as your:

  • Brand Name

  • Logo

  • Slogans or catchphrases

  • Names of a product

  • Name of a podcast

  • Name of a blog, platform, or membership

  • Name of a course.

  • And the list goes on!

All of those names are proper when it comes to trademark protection.

Using the Symbol in Your Copy

When you're typing up a paragraph describing the thing that you offer, you don't have to use the TM symbol every single time you mentioned it. When would you use it? You would use it on packaging for a product, the heading of a website or a membership site, or something like the podcast cover art and the title of your podcast. Those are the kind of trademark uses of your trademark. Again, this means that you don't have to use the TM symbol every single time you're talking about this product or the service in paragraph form.

What's the biggest mistake people make when it comes to using the symbol?

They think that you have to have a registered trademark in order to use it. Nope! In this case, you can only use the R and a circle if you have a registered trademark. However, you can use the TM symbol with any trademark -- registered or not.

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