Essential TERMS in a coaching contract

Whether you're a business coach or a health coach, setting boundaries with your clients is essential. It can be tempting to want to help your clients as much as possible, but remember that your time and energy are valuable resources! Without boundaries, you run the risk of feeling overwhelmed, overworked, and ultimately burnt out.

Let’s avoid that by making sure the terms and conditions in your coaching contract align with your own boundaries.

when can you be reached? office hours, response times, etc.

As a coach, your primary responsibility is to help your clients achieve their goals. However, this doesn't mean you need to be available 24/7. It's essential to set expectations for communication, office hours, and response times in your coaching contract.

In your coaching contract, make sure to include your office hours and how clients should contact you (outside of those hours or otherwise). Consider establishing a response time policy that outlines how long clients should expect to wait for a response to their messages or emails. These policies can help prevent clients from feeling frustrated when they don't receive an immediate response, and they can help you manage your time and energy more effectively.

scope creep and “off limits” subject matter

It's also a good idea to define what topics are off-limits or outside the scope of your coaching sessions. For example, as a health coach, you may not be qualified to give advice on medical issues. Clarifying these boundaries upfront can help prevent misunderstandings and make sure that both you and your clients are on the same page.

cancellations and missed sessions

Another aspect of setting boundaries in your coaching contract is establishing a policy for missed sessions or last-minute cancellations. It's crucial to communicate your policy on cancellations upfront to avoid any confusion or frustration down the line. This policy can help ensure that you're compensated for your time and can help prevent clients from repeatedly canceling or rescheduling sessions.

confidentiality and sensitive info

Lastly, think through a policy on confidentiality and the sharing of sensitive information. As a coach, you'll likely be privy to a lot of personal information from your clients, and it's crucial to establish trust and confidentiality upfront. Make sure your clients understand how their information will be kept private and what circumstances may require you to disclose information.

to summarize…

Setting boundaries is essential for coaches regardless of your field.

For business coaches, your clients may have demanding schedules, and boundaries helps you to prevent yourself from feeling overwhelmed. As a health coach, you may be working with clients who have a wide range of health issues and there may be boundaries around the types of advice you can offer. (Let’s make sure you're not overstepping your qualifications!)

Bottom line: setting boundaries is crucial. With clear boundaries in your coaching contract, you can help your clients achieve their goals safely and effectively and prevent burnout on your end. It really just ensures a positive coaching experience for everyone involved.


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