EntreprAdmire March 2016 Edition

Your friendly neighborhood #EntreprAdmire-r here. Ready for a dose of March Radness? It's Women's History Month, so what better time to give kudos to those [female] entrepreneurs or fem-focused brands that have a little something that make them the rad, admirable entrepreneurs that they are.

The Altitude Summit

Founded by sisters Sara Urquhart and Gabrielle Blair, Alt Summit is a conference for bloggers, writers, and creative entrepreneurs where each attendee can learn something new and share ideas with others in (or outside of) her field.  The team at Alt also encourages its followers to join them every Wednesday for an Alt Chat via Twitter and to continue the discussions via other social media networks. Girl power, indeed!

Blanca Gomez

I came across Blanca Gomez's work years ago while shopping on Poster Cabaret. Her brand is not limited to the name of her shop, Cosas Mínimas, but rather the certain indescribable characteristics that much of her artwork shares. Prints like "Jazzman" "In the..." and "Present" simply invoke a feeling of happiness. I dare you not to smile while viewing Gomez's works.

The Confidence Code

Since March is also Reading Awareness Month, it seemed only appropriate to highlight a brand in the context of a book. These days, I'm all about The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance -- What Women Should Know  by Katty Kay & Claire Shipman.  The Confidence Code deconstructs the concept of confidence and offers a blueprint on how to bring more of it into a woman's life.  The authors dig into the genetics of confidence and whether we can choose to become more confident (spoiler alert: we can).  Bonus: How rad is this woman-carries-world graphic? (Click on it to take the confidence quiz yourself -- the results may surprise you.)

The Confidence Code

That's it for this month's rad roundup. Tune in next month for spring (glorious spring!)-related findings.


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