Disclosure Rules on Social Media

In this quick read, you're going to learn when to post a disclosure along with your social media post. (Hint: disclosures aren't just for traditional sponsored posts.) You'll also learn what makes for a good disclosure.

When do I need to follow disclosure rules on social media?

So, the very quick, very short answer to "When do I need to post a disclosure," is whenever there is a "material connection" between you and the brand.

The question of course, is, what does "material connection" mean? A material connection is any connection between you and the brand that goes beyond just "I found this and I like it" or "I came across this brand and wanted to share it with you."

The rules aren't just for traditional "sponsored" posts.

Disclosure rules on social media aren't just for sponsored posts. A "material connection" includes:

  • Receiving free products (or even discounted products),

  • Receiving a special invitation to an event

  • An employment relationship with a brand,

  • A family or friendship relationship with a brand, and

  • Some kind of stock ownership in a brand.

Basically, disclosure rules on social media come into play with any relationship that goes beyond what any of us consumers would have with a brand.

What's in a good disclosure?

Well, a good disclosure is clear, and it is conspicuous. It is not ambiguous. A statement like "Thank you, [brand]!" is not really clear, and it's a little ambiguous. It does not show that there's some kind of material connection between the poster and the brand. Same thing with #partner. That kind of, might suggest that there's something going on. But especially when you're relying on hashtags, you want to make sure that those hashtags are very clear.

Does the user have to tap the "More" to see your disclosure? A lot of times people don't tap more to see more. Even on visual media like instagram stories and Snapchat, you want to make sure that those disclosures are conspicuous.

So I hope you walk away today with a good explanation of what a material connection is, what a good disclosure has, and when to follow those disclosure rules on social media.


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