3 no Brainer ways to protect your lead magnet

What's a lead magnet?

It’s literally the lead magnet. It's the thing that's on your website that magnetizes those leads, brings them into your email list. Whether it's a checklist download, whether it's a mini-course download, whatever it is, you draw those leads to your email list with your magnet. Today we're going to talk about protecting that.

Tip #1 - Check Your Privacy

The first thing is very boring but very important - and that's privacy. If someone is signing up for your lead magnet, it double duty protects you to have a little checkbox and a link to your privacy policy, so that the person that signing up has to acknowledge that they understand that the email address and the info that they put in there is going to be used according to your privacy policy.

You've got a privacy policy, right?

How does this protect your lead magnet and email funnels? Because it creates a record of that person. It's a record that they were aware of your privacy practices, when they signed up for your lead magnet.

Tip #2 - Fight Off Copycats

There is one line that shields you against copycats - the copyright notice. You've heard me talk about copyright notices a billion times before. Yoru copyright notice should contain:

  • the copyright symbol

  • the year it was published

  • the name of the owner

This notice prevents a copycat from later saying, "Oops, I didn't know that I was committing copyright infringement. I didn't know that I was copying when I totally copied your lead magnet." That innocent infringement defense can weigh dramatically decrease any money that they would owe you from infringement.

If your lead magnet is a checklist, a PDF, something kind of text-based, add the copyright notice to the bottom of each page.

If your lead magnet is a video training or a workshop, add that copyright notice either on the screen kind of as a watermark on the bottom or right underneath that video.

Tip #3 - Register Your Lead Magnet

Finally, consider registering your lead magnet with the copyright office. There are some big perks to this! First of all, the filing fee is less than $100. And if someone copies your lead magnet and it isn’t registered? You could probably still stop them, but you're limited to what's called actual profits and actual profits from a lead magnet is probably $0 with most lead magnets being free.

But if someone copies your lead magnet and it was registered with the copyright office, you get a set number of damages starting at $750 minimum, plus your attorney’s fees. So like I said, it's a no-brainer!


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