What legal blind spot is LEAVING your business EXPOSED?

When you discover how to easy it is to protect your online business, you can focus on growing your audience (or sales) with more confidence.

Plus, get personalized tips on how to take care of those blind spots yourself. Hint: It's actually easier than you think!

This quiz has been designed to highlight and guide you through that one thing — the legal blind spot — that’s leaving your precious brand and content exposed.

You want to focus on doing what you love and growing into new business opportunities without worrying about the unknowns.

Instead, you have this lurking feeling that you've got a legal blind spot that could come back to haunt you. (You're not alone! Turns out, most entrepreneurs do!)

You need some specific, jargon-free guidance on what those blind spots are and how to nip them in the bud.


After you take the quiz, you'll get...

• Personalized results for your particular legal blind spot; and

• Tips on addressing those blind spots confidently and easily -- no judgment if you facepalm at the simplicity of some of these issues!

Hi, I'm Maria.

I'm the only Nashville-based creative-turned-lawyer that specifically serves personal brands and online businesses -- from bloggers and podcasters to one-on-one service providers. 

I've spent the last 10+ years helping my clients uncover their little-known legal issues in a jargon-free way and get those issues resolved before "it" hits the fan.

I’m so thrilled I found Spear IP! I desperately needed a new contract but I had no idea where to start. Maria took all those unsure feelings and hard parts away. I feel so secure in my business now. 

-Casey, wedding designer


This quiz will help you...

• Uncover your legal blind spots; &

• Learn the easy steps you can take today to protect your valuable, creative property.